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Membership Committee

Meeting day: 1st Monday of the month @ 9AM

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The Membership Committee within a Board of REALTORS typically plays a crucial role in managing and overseeing membership-related activities.

Their primary responsibilities may include:

The Membership Committee plays a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth onboarding process for new members, recognizing the achievements of existing members, and facilitating a strong and inclusive community within the Board of REALTORS. They are often the first point of contact for new members and can help individuals and businesses integrate into the real estate community.

Taking new members: YES

Programs Committee

Meeting day: Varies

Time commitment: 1 year

Description: The specific responsibilities of the Committee for the Vice President (VP) of Programs within a Board of REALTORS can vary, but generally, they support the VP of Programs in planning and executing various programs and events for the organization.

Their duties may include:

The Committee for the VP of Programs plays a vital role in enhancing member engagement and providing valuable educational and networking opportunities for REALTORS and the organization's members. Their efforts contribute to the overall success of the programs and events organized by the Board of REALTORS.

Taking new members: YES

Budget & Finance Committee

Meeting day: 2nd Thursday of the month @ 8:30 AM

Time commitment: 1 year

Description: The Committee for Budget and Financing within a Board of REALTORS is typically responsible for managing the financial aspects of the organization.

Their primary roles and activities may include:

The Budget and Financing Committee plays a crucial role in ensuring the organization's financial stability, transparency, and responsible fiscal management. They provide valuable insights into budgetary decisions and help maintain the financial health of the Board of REALTORS.

Taking new members: no

MLS Committee

Meeting day:  2nd Wednesday of the month @ 1:30

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The Committee for the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) within a Board of REALTORS typically oversees and manages the MLS, a database of real estate listings and information.

Their primary responsibilities may include:

The Committee for the MLS plays a critical role in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the Multiple Listing Service, which is a central tool for real estate professionals to access property information and collaborate on transactions. Their efforts help ensure that the MLS serves as a valuable resource for members and the real estate community at large.

Taking new members: YES

TREPAC (Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee)

Meeting day: 2nd Thursday of the month @ 11:45

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The TREPAC (Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee) Committee within a Board of REALTORS is responsible for political and legislative advocacy related to the real estate industry.

Their primary roles and activities typically include:

The TREPAC Committee plays a significant role in representing the real estate industry's interests in the political and legislative arena. They work to support candidates and policies that benefit REALTORS and homeownership while advocating for fair and favorable legislation within the real estate sector.

Taking new members: YES

Commercial Committee

Meeting day: 1st Tuesday of the month @ 9 AM

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The Commercial Committee within a Board of REALTORS typically focuses on serving the interests of real estate professionals specializing in commercial properties.

Their responsibilities and activities often include:

The Commercial Committee plays a vital role in supporting real estate professionals specializing in commercial properties, helping them stay informed, network, and succeed in the commercial real estate market. They facilitate collaboration and information-sharing among members with commercial interests.

Taking new members: YES

Education Committee

Meeting day: 2nd Monday of the month @ 8:30 AM

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The Education Committee within a Board of REALTORS is responsible for various tasks related to education and professional development for real estate professionals.

Their roles and activities often include:

The Education Committee plays a critical role in enhancing the knowledge and skills of real estate professionals, ensuring they remain up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. Their efforts contribute to the professional growth and competence of members within the Board of REALTORS.

Taking new members: YES

Farm & Ranch Committee

Meeting day: 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 10 AM

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The Farm and Ranch Committee for a Board of REALTORS typically focuses on serving the interests of real estate professionals specializing in agricultural and rural properties.

Their job description may include:

Taking new members: YES

Equal/ Fair Housing Opportunities Committee

Meeting day: 1st Monday of the month at 9 AM

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The Equal and Fair Housing Opportunities Committee within a Board of REALTORS typically focuses on promoting fair housing practices and advocating for equitable access to housing.

Their responsibilities and activities may include:

The Equal and Fair Housing Opportunities Committee plays a vital role in ensuring that REALTORS and the real estate industry adhere to fair housing laws and create an inclusive housing market for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. Their efforts contribute to fair and equitable housing opportunities for everyone in the community.

Taking new members: YES

Property Management Committee

Meeting days: Varies

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The Property Management Committee within a Board of REALTORS typically focuses on matters related to property management, which involves overseeing and managing rental properties on behalf of property owners.

Their roles and responsibilities may include:

The Property Management Committee plays a valuable role in supporting members who engage in property management, ensuring that they have access to resources, knowledge, and support to effectively manage rental properties and navigate the complexities of the property management industry.

Taking new members: YES

Social & Special Events Committee

Meeting days: Varies

Time Commitment: 1 year (but you will never want to leave)

Description: The Social Events Committee within a Board of REALTORS is responsible for planning and organizing social and special events for the organization's members.

Their activities typically include:

The Social Events Committee plays a significant role in creating a sense of belonging and unity among members, which can contribute to a positive and supportive community within the Board of REALTORS. These events provide opportunities for members to relax and connect in a social setting, beyond their professional activities.

Taking new members: YES

YP (Young Professionals) Committee

Meeting days: Not specified

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The specific activities and focus of the Young Professionals Committee can vary from one organization to another, but the overarching goal is to support and empower younger members in their real estate careers and within the broader real estate community.

Taking new members: YES

DEI Diversity Committee

Meeting days: Varies

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The specific responsibilities and initiatives of a DEI Committee may vary from one organization to another, but their overarching goal is to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive real estate industry and to ensure fair and equal access to housing for all individuals.

Taking new members: YES

Public Relations/Publicity Committee

Meeting days: Varies

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: The Public Relations Committee within a Board of REALTORS is responsible for managing the organization's public image and communication efforts.

Their roles and activities may include:

The Public Relations Committee plays a vital role in managing the reputation and communication efforts of the Board of REALTORS, helping to foster positive relationships with members, the community, and the media. Their activities contribute to transparency, engagement, and the promotion of the real estate industry.

Taking new members: YES

Legislative Affairs Committee

Meeting day: Varies
Time Commitment: 1 year
Description: The Legislative Committee within a Board of REALTORS is responsible for political and legislative advocacy efforts related to the real estate industry.

Their primary roles and activities may include:

The Legislative Committee plays a critical role in representing the real estate industry's interests in the political and legislative arena. They work to support candidates and policies that benefit REALTORS and homeownership while advocating for fair and favorable legislation within the real estate sector. Their activities are aimed at influencing the legislative landscape to support the real estate profession and property ownership.

Taking new members: YES

Housing Committee

Meeting day: Last Thursday of the month @ 1 PM

Time Commitment: 1 year

Description: Promotes and coordinates the “Walk with Pride” programs

The Housing Committee within a Board of REALTORS typically focuses on promoting and coordinating housing-related programs and initiatives.

Their roles and activities often include:

The Housing Committee plays an essential role in advocating for accessible and inclusive housing options while promoting homeownership and housing programs that benefit the community. They help create awareness and support for housing-related initiatives and contribute to addressing housing challenges in the local area.

Taking new members: YES

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